Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiQuestions to my inner childWhen you are preparing to change the age, you are starting to look deeper inside yourself, to your childhood and to your dreams.Aug 30Aug 30
Sabina-Irina Gavriloaiei10 Habits that changed my last yearsVision board with visualisation for my dreamsAug 9Aug 9
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiWho is responsible for your career development?We hear frequently that career development is an essential part of employee engagement and retention. That is the reason why most HR…Jul 26Jul 26
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiI’ve written about my experience on Camino.There have been some weeks since I came home and I had some time to process this experience.Jul 12Jul 12
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiCum ramai femeie la locul de munca?Scriam mai demult despre cercurile de femei si despre cum m-au schimbat pe mine. Si cred ca este evident ca schimbarile acestea nu pot…Jun 28Jun 28
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiDespre cercurile de femeiAm inceput sa ma gandesc la acest articol pe 8 Martie, in semn de recunostinta probabil pentru feminitate.Apr 19Apr 19
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiBuilding authentic relationships on social mediaIn Romania, there are over 18 million internet users, at the top of social media platforms being Facebook, Instagram and TikTok .Apr 5Apr 5
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiSigns that you are no longer motivated by your jobYou are waiting for the clock to be 5 PM to stop workingMar 22Mar 22
Sabina-Irina GavriloaieiFemale archetypesIn my road to feminity, a topic that appeared frequently was females archetypes.Mar 8Mar 8