Building authentic relationships on social media

Sabina-Irina Gavriloaiei
2 min readApr 5, 2024


In Romania, there are over 18 million internet users, at the top of social media platforms being Facebook, Instagram and TikTok .

Because of this, you can easily find in your network at least one person who tries to be an influencer, trying to present some of his products, services, and words of wisdom.

The hardest thing to do is to build an authentic relationship with your audience. Some things that would help with this would be:

  • Know your audience: understand the people you address
  • Be authentic: being yourself and being honest are valued by your audience
  • Be transparent: some people will like you, some won’t. Don’t try to hide some of them.
  • Be responsive: interact with people, respond, and listen to others
  • Monitors reactions you receive: understand what posts generate what answers
  • Be helpful and bring value: create content that people will benefit from it
  • Be consistent: make people curious about your next post
  • Collaborate with others and share others’ posts

There are a lot of people trying to find a nice online. Building an online community is pretty similar to building an offline community, but there is much more effort on authentic communication.

Social media is not only about following and liking. It is more about creating an engagement and building some behaviour.



Sabina-Irina Gavriloaiei

I’m a passionate HR consultant, a talent counselor, and a life-long learner. You can check my blog here: