Signs that you are no longer motivated by your job


  • You are waiting for the clock to be 5 PM to stop working
  • You are waiting for your holidays, even if you didn’t schedule something for that period
  • You are not willing to start any task
  • You are not doing things proactively; just the things somebody asks for
  • You feel that your work is not important
  • You are tired all the time

I know that all of us have bills to pay, so I don’t recommend to quit your job.

But you can do your job properly and find some extra activities that make you happy.

In the end, I would recommend to you ar article related to your career development. Who is responsible for your career?

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Sabina-Irina Gavriloaiei

I’m a passionate HR consultant, a talent counselor, and a life-long learner. You can check my blog here: